
A New Adventure with Homeschool Toolbox!

I shared yesterday on Facebook that there are changes coming here on the blog...although there hasn't been a lot of posting going on here lately, there has been much work going on behind the scenes, and I'm excited about "going live" with some of those changes over the next few weeks.

Today's announcement, however, doesn't directly involve the blog (although I did get a cool new contributor button that you can see over in the sidebar under my profile info! :)), but does involve writing.  (And yes, I promise, I have been doing some lately, even if little of it has made it's way past the "publish" button here. :))

Today marks the relaunch of the Homeschool Toolbox website.  Homeschool Toolbox is a fantastic collection of resources for homeschoolers and those considering homeschooling.  Those who have been homeschooling a while may recognize the names of some of the site's former columnists such as Terri Camp, Maggie Hogan, and Robin Sampson.

As owner Beth Cranford explains here, the site has recently undergone major changes, including a new content manager, Hillary Gould, and a whole new crew of columnists.  That's where that cool new button in my sidebar comes in:  I'm blessed to be part of this great group of writers, and I'm looking forward to sharing a monthly column on the site.

There are lots of exciting things happening at Homeschool Toolbox as we celebrate this month's relaunch.  There will be an opportunity to "meet" all the new columnists throughout the month as our "debut" columns are posted.  This month's focus is on encouragement for homeschooling parents, and I can't wait to read what others share on this topic.

There will also be giveaways throughout the month in honor of the relaunch.  Be sure to sign up for today's giveaway from Little Learning Lovies, and check out the freebie and coupon code, too! 

Also, don't miss Hillary Gould's introductory column today. Her new series, "Why Homeschool?" will be a great resource for those considering homeschooling. It will also be good for those of us who have been homeschooling for a while but who have "those days" when we need a gentle reminder of why we do what we do.

My column goes live on Friday (yay!!), and there will be new columns and giveaways throughout the month.  The best way to keep up with it all is by liking the Homeschool Toolbox Facebook Page.  I'll also be posting updates here on the blog, and via the Ponderings of an Elect Exile page on Facebook. 

We'd love for you to help get the word out about the Homeschool Toolbox relaunch!  You can share this post on Facebook, Google +, and Twitter using the easy "share" buttons below.  Or share on Pinterest using the "Pin It" button above.  Thanks!

There's lots of other new stuff coming soon here on Ponderings of an Elect Exile!  Don't want to miss anything?  Please take a minute to follow Ponderings of an Elect Exile on FacebookTwitter, and/or Pinterest.  Or subscribe by email via the box in the sidebar.  I'd also love to hear from you in the comments or using the email option on my profile page.


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