
Quick! Get This Book!

I've said before that Justin Holcomb's book Rid of My Disgrace is the best book I've read on the subject of sexual abuse.  When our world exploded 7 years ago, I searched desperately for resources from a Biblical perspective and found almost nothing.  When Rid of My Disgrace came out five years later, I read it through tears, thankful that others would now have the book I had prayed for years before. 

Justin Holcomb's book is $ 0.99 for Kindle this week.  If you or someone you know has been touched by sexual abuse in any way, you need to download and read this book. If you work with people in any capacity...as a church staff member, teacher, medical professional, etc., you definitely need to read this book and have it as a resource.  You probably need to read it regardless, because more than likely there is someone in your workplace, church, school, or neighborhood who is dealing with this issue.   As Christ's body on earth, we desperately need to be equipped to help individuals and families who've been traumatized by abuse.  

There are SO few resources on this topic from a Biblical perspective, but this one is solid.  I so appreciate Justin and Lindsey Holcomb and their ministry in this area.  Grab this while it's on sale.  Read it.  Pray about how God would have you minister to people around you dealing with this kind of trauma. 

Do you know of other solid, Biblical resources on this subject?  If so, I'd love to hear about them in the comments, or email me via the link on my profile.  For more information on this subject, including resources, child protection information, and hope for those who've experienced the trauma of abuse, check out our Child Protection Resources article. 

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