
30 Days of Gratitude ~ Days 4 and 5 ~ Catching Up :)

Busy days, these days of November!  I'm determined to get caught up on my 30 Days of Gratitude, though.  These are going to be short...I'm taking a quick break from the remains of a LONG todo list that needs to be finished before I go to sleep...:)

Day 4...I'm thankful for my husband.  I am so thankful for his desire to be a Godly husband and father, for his hard work to provide for us, for all the ways he spoils us, for the ways he picks up my slack when I'm not up to par physically. So thankful for the almost-16 years that we've had! 

Day 5...I'm thankful for our four amazing, healthy, creative, {sometimes crazy} children.  The "I'm going to pull my hair out until I look like Billy" days notwithstanding, they are such a blessing in so many ways.  I love watching them develop in wisdom and stature, in character, and in personality.  I can't wait to see the plans God has for each one of them! 

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