
30 Days of Gratitude ~ Day 19 ~ Homeschool Group

Day 19 ~ I'm thankful for our homeschool group.  We've been members of the same support group since Peter was in kindergarten.  We've had years when we were very active...we participated in co-op classes for many years and served on the board as activity directors for four years.  Then we've had years like the last few...when we've hit a field trip here, a mom's Renew there, and yearly testing with the group. 

This past week I was able to attend a mom's Renew meeting for the first time in many months.  It was good to see long-time friends from the group and have a time of fellowship and fun Christmas crafting.  I was reminded what a blessing this group has been over the years to me and to our family...not only in the obvious of the planned activities of the group...co-op, field trips, conferences, mom's meetings, etc....but in less "official", but still very important, ways.  They've prayed faithfully with and for us during some of the hardest days of our lives...my dad's last few months when he was so ill and the 6 weeks of Ammah Grace's NICU stay.  We were still on the board when we faced our biggest crisis ever, and while we weren't able to share all the details at that time, we shared what we could with the rest of the board, and we were so thankful for their prayers at a time when we were limited in asking for the prayer we so needed.

So thankful for our group and the good memories, good friends, and support and encouragement that have come with it...enjoying the times we're able to participate now, and looking forward to being more active again in a future season when life allows...

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