
A Peek at Bay's Birthday...

We won't have her "official" birthday celebration until next month, but here are some highlights from the actual day (and the day before, when we went to Mamoe's for ice cream cake :)):

Celebrating at Mamoe's on Thursday

RAIN!  The Best Birthday Blessing of All!

Mamoe dressed Prissy up for Bayley's birthday :)

Peter wasn't in the mood for pictures...

Birthday Morning!

"Semi-Homemade" Donuts for breakfast at the birthday girl's request

Bay loves Sam's pizza.  She asked to go pick some up for lunch...

...and take it to the hospital to eat with Dad! :) 

Lunch in the ER breakroom :)

Bayley wishing this was her birthday present. :)

The whole crew!

Headed to a sleepover at Kaitlyn's...fun!