
I Heart Faces...Friendships...

Friendships...we've been blessed, both in quantity and quality!  They're always high on my list of blessings, and I've been reminded of that again today as I scrolled through several years of photos in search of "just the right photo" for this week's "I Heart Photos" challenge.  Although not all of our friendships are documented on film (or in pixels), there were still LOTS of "friendship photos" from which to choose.   It was a tough decision!   

I kept coming back to this one, though.  It's an oldie...they're all so little!!   But I love it...it's from one of my favorite photo shoots EVER.  And this bunch has been friends forever.  Kathy and I were just reminiscing the other day about the days when we would meet for lunch with Peter in a booster seat, Kaitlyn in a high chair, and Bayley not quite born yet. :)  Then the days when Bayley would sit on the table in her car seat carrier during lunch...and so on from there.  They often act more like siblings than friends.   They're quite the crew!

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