
Reminders of Grace...

Eucharisteo ~ to be grateful, feel thankful, give thanks....

* Little girls and LaLaLoopsy tea parties

* A boy-man with a still-soft heart

* Hard-working husband who spoils me still

* Fan-breeze cutting through the oppressive heat

* Riches in book stacks

* Sweet~Savory corn cakes for supper

* Everyday reminders of grace

* Squirrels

* Kids creating

* Cool, clean water

* God's steadfast Word

* Small-world reconnecting in big-God ways

* The lens through which I capture snippets of my world

* Isaiah 40:11 ~ Being held close to His heart through it all...


  1. Does Blogger have a "like" button?

    I really enjoy your photos! The brilliant colors of the tea party make me smile!

  2. Great pictures and a great example of thankfulness amongst the ordinary!

  3. Love the pictures - especially the tea party! And I love the heart's desire to give thanks.
