
Quick Backyard Shoot...

After spending a great deal of time in the backyard with my camera this spring, and then having it around my neck continually during camp and VBS, it's been very odd this week to go four days without taking a single picture!  I've missed my camera, but it's just been entirely too hot to take photos.  This morning I finally braved the heat for a few minutes and took a few pictures of Billy's backyard buddies...

This is Riki-Tiki...

Riki-Tiki is quite spoiled.  He eats bread almost out of Billy's hand.  

Squirrels just fascinate me.  Riki-Tiki was hanging from the tree by his back toes while he ate bread with his front paws.  I wish I'd gotten a better picture of this...it was pretty amazing...

This is Templeton.  He is even more spoiled than Riki-Tiki.  Today he was finished eating by the time I got outside, so I barely got a shot of him.  Not sure what happened to his nose...that scar is new.  He may have gotten too close to the brown thrashers' nest...they are pretty territorial.  

A couple of last shots of Riki-Tiki...

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