
Then Sings My Soul Saturday...

I have about a million camp posts just waiting to make their way from my swirling mind to my keyboard, but first must finish editing the 1000 + photos I took at camp so I can pass some on for tomorrow night's slideshow. :)  In the meantime, this is just a super-quick post linking up with Amy from Signs, Miracles, and Wonders for Then Sings My Soul Saturday. The youth/adult ensemble sang this song Thursday night at camp, and it has been stuck in my head ever since. Such a beautiful expression of worship...and so appropriate for our camp theme of "Heads Up!", taken from Colossians 3:1-17.

I also have a partial video of the ensemble singing this at camp. I wish I had thought to video all of the special music at camp...Mrs. Sarah did a wonderful job of putting it together, and it was all beautiful. I did get a few videos, which I'll be posting here and there amongst the camp posts. This one cut off right in the middle with the "card full" message...which is really unfortunate, because the last half was the best! Hopefully I'll be able to get someone to video it...with plenty of space on my card...when we repeat it Sunday morning. In the meantime, here is a little preview. :) Please forgive the video quality...I had handed off my camera to my husband, who really doesn't like to even hold the camera, but who was sweet enough to agree to attempt a video for me. :)

(Btw...I just now noticed that Bud has a pair of the "Timothys'" glasses hanging on the back of his head as we're singing...lol!)


  1. This is a great song. We sing it often in church, and it always touches me.

  2. We sing this song at our church as well.. such a beautiful song. Thank you for sharing.

