
We Remember...

Those who've given their lives for our country and our freedom...

Those who served our country in the past...

Those who are serving our country today...

Families who are sacrificing today through separation...

Our annual Memorial Day trip to the National Cemetery...

Uncle Joe and Aunt Sis's grave...

Uncle Joe served in World War I.  He was also the fire chief at Fort Chaffee for many years...

We didn't visit AnnaBeth and Leslie's graves today, or Bob and Donna's, but I always think of them and miss them when we are there...

I don't remember seeing Confederate flags in other years, but it could be that we don't always get to that area of the cemetery...

Remembering that the best way to honor those who have fought and are fighting for our freedom is to use that freedom wisely, and never take it for granted...

Quick family photo...


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