
Worth Reading...

I hope to post a "real" post soon, but in the meantime, here are some links worth a look...

On Forgiveness...Tim Challies posts an excellent article on forgiveness based on Lou Priolo's book Pleasing People.  The kids and I used this today during our Bible time as we discussed the difference between apologizing and repentance.  

On True Change...Some of you may have seen this article on Jack Eckerd, founder of Eckerd Drugs, when I posted it on Facebook last week, but I thought it worth posting here as well.  Bro. David used it as a sermon illustration last Sunday when we were in Conway.  Really powerful picture of what God can do in one person who truly repents and follows Him. 

On Being Ready...David Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the Switchblade and founder of Teen Challenge, was killed in an automobile accident last night.  This is his blog post from yesterday...Wow.  What amazing last words from a faithful servant.  

On Real Love...One of what I'm sure will be many more stories of heroism in the wake of the horrific weather of the past few days.  Beautiful but heartbreaking story of a father's love...here. 

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