
Time Flies...

Seven years ago today we were leaving what had become our "home away from home" for six weeks...the UAMS NICU.  We had been told to expect to be there at least until Ammah Grace's due date...April 17...so the earlier discharge was a huge blessing and a testimony to God's healing hand in her life.  I had spent the night at the hospital in a "rooming in" room, monitored all night by a nurse, to prove our ability to care for her "on our own".  Our discharging doctor was the head of neonatology for UAMS/ACH and was one of our favorite doctors.   He had already told us that due to several factors, he was actually discharging her earlier than he typically would.   His confidence in us, and in our pediatrician at home (to whom he had been teacher, mentor, and long-time friend), was at the same time comforting and a bit frightening.  It was even more frightening when she coded and had to be "bagged" within the 24 hour window before we came home...which under normal circumstances would have earned us a few more days in the hospital.   But the doctor cleared us for discharge in spite of it, and the next thing we knew, we were on the way home.  

Two other special things about that day...first, the "big kids" got to see their little sister in person for the first time.  We were all so excited about that!!  They had waited so long to see something other than pictures, and then one short view through the window when she was moved into the intermediate unit briefly.  Second, Mrs. Amanda and Jacob came that Saturday to help get everyone to Little Rock and back...and Mrs. Amanda videoed the whole event.  We were and are so thankful for her help and friendship!

As far as her health, we later laughed that apparently all Ammah Grace wanted was to go home.  She had false alarms after that (including one in the Burger King where we stopped to have lunch on the way home), but never had another actual episode.  Yet another circumstance God worked out to show His glory and His sovereignty!

Last week when we were on vacation, Ammah Grace wanted to see the hospital in which she spent the first six weeks of her life, so we drove by on our way to the zoo.  We talked a little about the NICU itself and pointed out the parking garage where the attendants would ask how our "little one" was doing as we would come and go.  There was at least one attendant who reminded me often that she was praying for us and for our little one...what a blessing that was!!

We stopped to eat lunch at the Back Yard Burger across the street from UAMS.  I had to get a picture of Ammah Grace, seven years later...

We are so grateful for our miracle girl, and for the living, breathing, twirling, skipping, singing, giggling reminder she is every day of God's faithfulness and love.  

I waited patiently for the LORD;
   He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
   out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock
   and gave me a firm place to stand.
 He put a new song in my mouth,
   a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
   and put their trust in the LORD.
  Blessed is the man
   who makes the LORD his trust,
who does not look to the proud,
   to those who turn aside to false gods.
 Many, O LORD my God,
   are the wonders You have done.
The things You planned for us
   no one can recount to You;
were I to speak and tell of them,
   they would be too many to declare.
~Psalm 40:1-5


  1. I'm behind in my reading (obviously) but what a beautiful story of God's blessing. And what a beautiful girl! Love the missing tooth! :D

  2. What a beautiful little princess! God truly has given you a gift from Heaven, and I so appreciate reading your story of her birth and life. Thank you for sharing! Hugs, Nina
