
I Heart Faces...Slice of Life...

I've been wanting to start participating in I Heart Faces weekly challenges again, and when I saw that this week's challenge was "Slice of Life", I decided this was a great week to start!  I had a terrible time deciding on my entry, though...it's hard to pick!  

I kept coming back to this one, though.  It captures so well Billy's relationship not only with Ammah Grace, but with all his girls.  I walked out of the cafe at the zoo last week to find a tired little girl curled up on her {also tired} daddy's lap and couldn't resist snapping the moment.  It ended up being one of my favorite photos of the whole trip. 

Be sure to visit I Heart Faces to see other entries in this week's "Slice of Life" challenge! 


  1. what a cute moment you captured!

  2. Love this - we are always posing our family for photos, but it's the moments such as this that get lost in our memory as time passes. Many years from now, you can look at this photo and remember the feelings you had when you took it.

  3. Hi, Jennifer;

    I have just given you an award on my blog Check out the link

    Nora St.Laurent
    Finding Hope Through Fiction
