Bayley has been waiting for weeks to get her hair cut. The day finally arrived today, and she couldn't contain her excitement. She got the same angled, stacked bob as last time, only shorter (to get us through camp :)), but added bangs this time. It looks *so* cute. I never can get good "haircut pictures"...this was the best I could do:
We've been scrapbooking. I am more than ready to "get back at it" after a long, long hiatus. I've done a project here and there, but haven't scrapped regularly in several years. I have a couple of long-term projects for others that I am desperate to finish, as well as my own huge backlog.
I love that my children love to scrap with me! This is a page Ammah Grace designed all by herself several days ago...maybe I'll get a photo of it *after* she adds the photos, too. :)
With our new workbox system, the kids are sometimes assigned an activity to do with a sibling. Peter and Ammah Grace had a wonderful time working with her shape puzzles one morning. It was a cool morning, so they went out to the back porch and worked on the deep freeze. :)
Ammah Grace has apparently had a bit too much *cops and robbers* with her brother. She came in with a Nerf gun tonight and told me to put my hands up and not to move or she'd shoot. When I pretended to shoot her back, she told me I couldn't hurt her, "because I am metal". I said, "What if I am metal, too?" She said, "You can't be metal...only I am metal." I asked her why I couldn't be metal, and she said, "Because I get to choose who is metal, because I'm the good guy. You're the bad guy, so you don't get to be metal."
Would that it worked that way in real life.
We started our weekend early today with lunch at a local PlayPlace with friends. I think we all needed the break! The kids had a great time playing, and K and I enjoyed having time to chat without {too many} interruptions. :-) I love that God has given me friends with whom I can laugh about anything (or nothing :)) one minute, and the next be discussingdeep doctrinal issues.
Billy is home for three days!! I love three day weekends. Someone asked today if we had big plans for the holiday. I told her we would probably cook out, and other than that, we have plans for various projects around the house, family time, and lots of R&R! After all the craziness of the past few years, I enjoy a totally laid back holiday every once in a while. :) We will, however, make a trip to the National Cemetery in honor of the holiday...the kids always enjoy seeing the graves of our family members who are buried there, and hearing the stories of these relatives they never met.
For more Friday Quick Takes, visit Jennifer at Conversion Diary.