I cannot believe it's been over two weeks since I've posted here! It's certainly not been from lack of content...my "To Blog" list gets longer and longer by the day. And "there hasn't been time" really isn't accurate, either. While there have been some busy days in the past few weeks, and lots of unexpected issues cropping up here and there, there *has* been down time occasionally when I would normally have been blogging. "Massive brain fog" is probably the best explanation. The mental energy to sit down and form thoughts into typed words has completely eluded me. Any attempt at serious thought in the past few weeks has brought with it the feeling that I am trying to swim through a sea of jello.
The brain fog is still there, but *hopefully* is beginning to lift a bit (it had better be, or my family is in big trouble! ;-)) I *must* get busy on this "To Blog" list...partcularly two book reviews that *must* be posted this week (watch for a review of the first book of a great new Amish fiction series, and a *very* late review on the very intriguing Flickering Pixels.)
In the meantime, I thought I'd ease back in with a Daybook post....:-)
For Today... April 27, 2009
Outside my window... still no rain, despite an 80% chance of rain/storms last night and today. A little rain would be fine, but I'm praying that the storms and heavy rains don't materialize this week. We'll see. It looks like the clouds could burst any moment.
I am thinking... many jumbled thoughts on every topic imaginable. I'm really hoping to sort some of them out this morning!
From the learning rooms... We have a basket full of library books we need to finish getting through, a new math curriculum (yay!!) to start, and a strong need to get back on schedule and STAY there. We're also going to be doing some extra study on nutrition in the next few weeks...I need to pull out that material and get "lessons" organized. :)
I am thankful for... my husband. I am thankful for the way he takes care of me and of our family. I'm thankful for the ways he has once again picked
up the slack this last week as I haven't been quite up to par physically.
...my children. They, too, have had a lot put on them this week. I appreciate their sweet spirits and willingness to jump in and help (*most* of the time!
...friends. And the ways they are *always* there to help carry the burdens, even when they are carrying huge loads of their own.
...music. I am *still* amazed at how God always puts just the music I need to hear in my path at just the right time.
From the kitchen... I'm thankful for the bulk cooking I was able to do week before last...and hoping that I'll be able to finish that this week.
I am reading... Just Jane, by Nancy Moser (one of my favorite fiction authors). It is a fictionalized account of Jane Austen's life, and I'm really enjoying it so far.
My non-fiction reading has been spotty lately...the brain fog makes non-fiction reading a bit of a challenge. :) I'm hoping to get back to my "stack" this week and post a "Book Bit" or two. I did start a new Bible Study last week that I am really excited about...The One True God, by Paul Washer. You can download the whole book in PDF format free here.
I am hoping... that the predicted storms end up being gentle rain, instead. :)
I am creating... a place to create! Bayley helped me get one half of the dining room sorted, purged, and organized; we are hoping to get the other side (the crafty side :)) done
this week. I'm so ready to get back to creative projects!
I am praying... for dear friends going through major trials right now...that God will bless and provide abundantly, and that He will use me to help bear their burdens in even a fraction of the ways they have helped bear mine,
...for a friend having surgery later this week,
...for God's continually perfect timing and provision in our lives,
...for wisdom, discipline, diligence, and for my focus to constantly be on Him, and not on circumstances or feelings.
Around the house... Lots of work to do in the kitchen today!! Billy started what was supposed to be a "quick, minor plumbing fix" yesterday before I got the kitchen cleaned up from lunch (and the meat I had cooked, divided, and put away at midnight the night before...eek), and it turned into a bit more than quick and minor. ;-) Not only did it take much longer than he expected (including multiple trips to the hardware store while the plumbing lay in the middle of the kitchen floor :)), but I ended up not being able to run water in there all afternoon and evening. But I now have the official okay to do the dishes...thank goodness! I never realized how much I appreciated my kitchen sink! :) (AND my handy husband!)
One of my favorite things... watching Billy and our children together. People constantly comment on what a "natural" or "hands-on" dad Billy is...and I am so thankful that no matter what happens, I know that he can and will take care of our children as well (and probably better!) than I do. If you want to make him really mad, say that he is "babysitting" when I'm not here (but be prepared for a good Italian tongue-lashing when you do! ;-)) He is my children's hero...and mine!
A few plans for the rest of the week...
An appointment this afternoon, then hopefully a calm, quiet, *ordinary* week of school, church, chores, etc.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
Billy and the kids doing some "spring planting" last week. "The rest of the story", and more pictures will hopefully be the subject of their own blog post soon. :)