I had planned to stop at some point yesterday and post my Thankful Thursday post. BUT...somehow it never happened. I got busy finishing
clipboards with the kids (I hope to get the instructions posted, along with pictures of the kids' finished clipboards, later today, so keep an eye out! :)), making scones with
Devonshire Cream with the girls (*yummm*), and working on invitations (they are finished...yay!). But I'm determined to get this thankful post posted. :)
It's been a difficult week in several ways. Two friends are going through deep trials, and I ache for them. Our family received difficult news, which although we were somewhat expecting, I realized I was in no way prepared for. And Wednesday was a completely exhausting day. It was all I could do to drag myself to church, and I *really* didn't feel like staying for choir practice; however, I had no choice...I had to practice the organ with the choir for Sunday's choir special.
By 7:45 I was sitting in choir marveling over the fact that no matter how tired I am on Wednesday nights, there is something energizing...mentally and emotionally, if not physically :)...about choir practice. It had been over a month since I had sat through a complete rehearsal...last week I ended up in a meeting that lasted until practice was over, and the week before we were all sick. The week before that, we didn't have rehearsal, and the week prior to that was the week of the severe storms when we got out early.
It was *so* good after all that to actually put in a full practice. And once again, the music ministered to me incredibly. I'm always amazed at the way that God gives Lyndel just the music that I need to have running through my head for the week. :)
As we sang this song, I was overwhelmed by the words, and the meaning behind them. I noticed afterward that one of the writers wrote another song that has meant much to me this year,
Blessed Be the Name.
How Can I Keep From Singing?
There is an endless song, echoes in my soul,
and I hear the music ring.
And tho' the storms may come, I am holding on,
and to the rock I cling.
How can I keep from singing your praise?
How can I ever say enough?
How amazing is your love.
How can I keep from shouting your name?
I know I am loved by the King,
and it makes my heart want to sing.
Now I will lift my eyes in the darkest night,
for I know my Savior lives.
And I will walk with You, knowing You'll see me through,
and sing the songs You give.
How can I keep from singing your praise?
How can I ever say enough?
How amazing is your love.
How can I keep from shouting your name?
I know I am loved by the King,
and it makes my heart want to sing.
~Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, and Ed Cash
We ended rehearsal Wednesday night with a run-through of
God and God Alone. I was also struck by these words:
God and God alone
Reveals the truth of all we call unknown;
And all the best and worst of man
Can't change the Master's plan;
It's God's and God's alone!
~Phill McHugh
We have so seen this year the truth of those words..."all the best and worst of man can't change the Master's plan." Last week I was talking with Bro. Kent about some of the events in our family over the past couple of years...events we would never have chosen, events that we would have avoided at all costs had we had the option, but events that have caused us to see the sovereignty and goodness and love of God in ways we could never have seen otherwise. As Genesis 50:20 says, "What man intended for evil, God intended for good...to accomplish what is now being done." (My paraphrase) There is no evil that man can do to us that is beyond the control of God...He is still sovereign over it all, He is not surprised by anything that comes into our lives, and He will use it for good in our lives.
I am so thankful for the truths so beautifully worded in these songs. I am so thankful for the things that God has taught us through the most difficult events in our lives in the past 21 months. I am so thankful for the Rock to which we *can* cling during the most devastating storms, and for the knowledge that He does give a song...always...in the darkest night. I am so thankful for the opportunity to sing in choir, and for the amazing way that God *always* gives the songs I need just when I need them. I am thankful for the reminders that God gave through these songs Wednesday night, knowing that within the next 24 hours, I would desperately need them.
Thank you,
Iris, for reminding us every week to stop and be thankful!