I am so thankful this morning for milder weather! This weekend has been so nice, and today it is actually supposed to be in the 60s (I'll believe that when I see it, but one can hope. ;-)) It is warmer as I type this this morning (with no gloves, even!) than it was all week last week. Not only that, but I actually had some time this weekend to get some planning and preparation done for the week, so I'm enjoying feeling somewhat *ready for the week* this week, instead of *already behind*.
That's a good thing, as we have a busy week this week. We need to get most of our school and house *to dos* out of the way by Thursday, because we'll be out and about Thursday *and* Friday this week. Thursday is co-op registration, in preparation for six weeks of co-op starting next week. The kids are *so* excited. We have always been very involved in co-op up until year before last, when life got a bit crazy and we had to take a break. Last year we went back for one class in the fall....Billy taught a drawing class, which was a lot of fun, but the kids really missed getting to participate in first hour, too. So...this time around we are jumping back in with both feet, and the kids are really excited (I will be, too, once I get my class prep finished!)
Then not only is Friday our big shopping day, but we have out of town company coming as well. My mom's cousin, whom I have never met, is coming to Arkansas this weekend. She and my aunt will be driving in from Little Rock on Friday, so it will be fun to finally meet her.
In the meantime, we have a lot to do. Here are the plans for the week:
Bible Study/Child Training
1) Continue to work on chronological Bible reading.
2) Get back to the Bible study I have been working on on "suffering", and try to post some more notes here.
3) Read Part One of The Parenting of Champions.
4) We've spent a lot of time together as a family lately, and the kids and I do things *together* all the time, but I'm realizing that between the holidays and the craziness here since then, it has been a while since I have devoted a *chunk* of one-on-one time to each of my children just doing something *fun*. So...this week, I'm purposing to spend some time with each child, by themselves, doing what *they* want to do for a while...not something school-related or a *project*. I'm foreseeing Lego aliens, manicures, and Little People being a big part of the week this week!
Home Blessing
1) Dining Room ready to prime by Friday. Since we have a short week at home, that will be the main priority this week, other than routine cleaning and helping the kids work on the toy sorting project that we are very *slowly* finishing.
Must Dos/Procrastination Busters
1) Class prep for co-op.
2) Bulk Cooking plans for next week.
3) Secure a judge for homeschool art fair.
4) Pictures taken for yearbook.
5) Family page done for yearbook.
6) Plan Ammah Grace's birthday!
Creative Pursuits
I have completely washed out in this area since I first posted plans a couple of weeks ago. Between illness, the cold house, and trying to maintain at least a skeleton schedule and routines, my plans for creative pursuits have gone by the wayside. But I'm still determined! Here are this week's plans:
1) Class prep for co-op. (I'm teaching a book-making class, so hopefully this will be a good jump-start in this area. :))
2) Family page done for yearbook. (Again, a *have to* that will hopefully help get the creative juices flowing again.)
3) One of the two *stealth projects* that I still haven't gotten to. :-D I know that I won't get to both this week, but I'm hoping to at least get one of them finished.
Menu Plan Monday
*Tortilla Salad
*Crackers, Cheese, Carrots, and Dip
*Mac and Cheese
*Pork Chops, Hash Brown Casserole, and Green Beans
*BBQ Meatballs and Noodles, Salad
*Enchiladas and Rice
*Chicken Fettucini Alfredo, Veggies, and Garlic Cheese Biscuits
(Friday is kind of up in the air at the moment...so I'm not planning anything but leftovers or something easy from our store run.)
A couple of weeks ago, someone asked for the recipe for the Smoked Sausage Soup I mentioned. I'm sorry that I haven't gotten back to that sooner! This is one of those that has no measurements...just throw in enough of this and that to feed whoever you are feeding. ;-) (Have I mentioned that I am *NOT* a measurer?? :-D)
Smoked Sausage Soup:
Smoked Sausage, cut up into bite sized pieces
Cream of Mushroom soup
Green Beans (I usually use canned)
Combine the above and heat through, stirring often. Toss in a handful or two (or more :)) of grated cheddar cheese just before serving and stir well. This is really good with french bread and a big salad, and is a *quick and easy* meal for nights you are in a rush.
For more Monday Meanderings, visit Tiany at Less of Me, More of Him. To see what others are cooking this week, hop over to I'm An Organizing Junkie.