Educating the Wholehearted Child , by Clay and Sally Clarkson--a continuing read for me right now...one of the most convicting, inspiring, and practically helpful books on homeschooling I've read.
Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit , by Teri Maxwell--I've heard such good things about this book, and had it on my bookshelf forever. I'm guessing I really need this one right now.
Keeping a Nature Journal , by Claire Walker Leslie and Charles E. Roth--a friend gave this to me just about the time that I ran into some incredible nature journal examples in blogland...the kids and I are *really* excited about starting nature journals this fall.
Keeping Our Children's Hearts , by Steve and Teri Maxwell--another one I've heard great reviews of and keep telling myself I need to pull off the shelf and actually read. :)
Good Kids, Bad Habits, by Jennifer Trachtenberg--I think I found this on someone's reading list from the Spring Reading Thing. One of our goals this year is to work on building healthier habits, so this book jumped out at me. It's currently checked out at the library...guess I need to put a reserve on it next time I'm in. :)
Sacred Influence, by Gary Thomas--Another one I came across on a Spring Reading Thing list. I actually was looking for another book by the same author at the library, but it was checked out and this one wasn't, so I brought it home instead.
Bible Study/Devotional:
Get Out of that Pit, by Beth Moore--an ongoing read
A Heart Like His , by Beth Moore
Abraham, Man of Faith , by Ray Stedman--I read this book years ago (in high school, maybe?) and remember it being really good....I pulled it out a year or so ago and added it back to my TBR stack, and haven't picked it up since. It's time.
Miscellaneous Non-Fiction:
A Way of Seeing , by Edith Schaeffer--I love Edith Schaeffer's writing, and was so excited to pick this up at a used book sale last October. I can't believe I've had it almost a year and haven't read it yet!
The Inflammation Syndrome, by Jack Challem--part of some on-going health research I'm doing...I'll probably add a few more on this topic as we go.
It's All in the Details, by Tessa Eveleigh--Always have to have a few decorating books in my stack. This one may be replaced depending on what I think when I see it at the library.
The Girls Who Went Away , by Ann Fessler--a *very* miscellaneous non-fiction choice I ran across on someone's list from another challenge that happens to be at our library.
(I'm not really including Christian fiction on this challenge list, b/c those tend to be picked randomly as I find them at the library and read when I am trying to go to sleep at night. :) They aren't a priority, and they'll get read anyway. :) However, I rarely read secular fiction anymore, so I'm adding a couple of those that look interesting. They'll be low priority, but I'd like to get to them.)
Playing for Pizza , by John Grisham--I like Grisham, and haven't read one of his in quite some time.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter , by Kim Edwards--This one seemed to be on a * lot* of earlier challenge lists, and I've seen really good reviews of it. I'm looking forward to seeing if it is as good as it sounds.
(Some of these will be with all four kids, some just the girls, and some just Peter.)
The Toothpaste Millionaire , by Jean Merrill
The All-of-a-Kind Family , by Sydney Taylor
B is Betsy, by Carolyn Haywood
Hans Brinker, by Mary Mapes Dodge
The Borrowers, by Mary Norton
The Five Little Peppers , by Margaret Sidney
Hudson Taylor , by Vance Christie
Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne
And here are a few others I'd like to read if I can check them out or find them at the right price during the challenge:
Eat, Play, and Be Healthy, by W. Allan Walker
Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends , by Sarah, Harold, and Stephen Maly
Teach them Diligently , by Lou Priolo
Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More than Peers , by Gordon Neufeld
Me, Myself, and Bob, by Phil Vischer
A New Kind of Normal,by Carol Kent
No Ordinary Home , by Carol Brazo
To see what others are reading this fall, or to join the Fall Into Reading Challenge, visit Callapidder Days.