
Numbering the Gifts {Overwhelmed By His Goodness}

It was one of those days when I woke up and my first thought was "I need a nap."  Not a good thought at 6:30 a.m.  The day ahead seemed completely overwhelming.  Even the good things that were planned for the day were overshadowed by weariness and anxiety.

Once again, God's timing was amazingly perfect.

And once again, I am moved to add to the list...numbering the gifts, chronicling the blessings...

*reminders yesterday of God's faithfulness through the years, preparing my heart for today
*a husband who sacrifices in so many ways for his family
*children who bring laughter and delight
*God's Word...just the right Word...always at just the right time
*the day 8 1/2 years ago that God took a casual friendship and unexpectedly knit hearts together as only He can...and the daily chats since that He has used in so many ways in my life since, in laughter, tears, deep conversation, and the totally mundane
*lunch dates with another heart-knit friend that began when we had babies in carrier seats and have continued through life changes neither of us could ever have expected...iron sharpening iron and laughter that has been good like medicine...so needed that yet again today
*God's always, always, always perfect timing and the "accidental" encounter today (that we both agreed was anything but accidental!) with a precious 71-year-old friend...we hugged and cried and laughed and shared about God's faithfulness in amazing goodness and deep suffering...a visit I will treasure in my heart always...
*God's provision for our needs...all our needs in all ways, always!
*reminders in today's conversations of God's perfect plan in giving us 7 years under Bro. Kent's ministry and preaching, and the work God has done and is still doing through that
*ending the day fishing with Billy and the kids on a beautiful early summer evening
*chatting by the pond with Bro. Gary and Becky and being thankful all over again for the blessing they are to us and the work God is doing through them
*looking back and seeing God's hand even when we can't always see His purpose and plan in the right now

Blessed and thankful tonight...

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