
Another Wednesday Night Song...

I'm afraid I'm too tired to compose a coherent  sentence tonight.  Could very easily feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment...hurting and praying for so many people dealing with "big stuff" right now, and then just having one of those weeks when the "little stuff" of life has piled higher...and higher...and higher.  Wednesdays just seem to be particularly rough lately...Satan seems to like to create havoc almost as much on our Wednesdays as our Sundays.

Once again, I yawned my way through choir and wondered if I was really doing anyone any good by being there.  At which point...God seemed to answer, "Yes, YOU."  :)  As usual, the music was just what I needed.   It always is.  

LOVE the lyrics and the harmonies of Chris Tomlin's "Praise the Father, Praise the Son".  Found another "story behind the song" video I had to share tonight...

And here's the song...

And the lyrics...Oh, those lyrics!

"Praise the Father, Praise the Son"

O sov'reign God, O matchless King- 
the saints adore, the angels sing 
and fall before the throne on grace 
to you belongs the highest praise. 

These sufferings, this passing tide 

under Your wings I will abide, 
and every enemy shall flee; 
You are my hope and victory. 

Praise the Father, Praise the Son. 

Praise the Spirit, Three in One. 
Clothed in power and in grace 
the name above all other names. 

To the valley, for my soul; 

Thy great descent has made me whole! 
You word my heart has welcomed home; 
now peace like water ever flows. 

Praise the Father, Praise the Son. 

Praise the Spirit, Three in One. 
Clothed in power and in grace 
the name above all other names. 

Praise the Father, Praise the Son. 

Praise the Spirit, Three in One. 
Clothed in power and in grace 
the name above all other names. 

Yours is the kingdom, 

yours is the power. 
Your is the glory forever. 
Yours is the kingdom, 
yours is the power. 
Your is the glory forever. 

Praise the Father, Praise the Son. 

Praise the Spirit, Three in One. 
Clothed in power and in grace 
the name above all other names. 
The name above all other names.

~ Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash

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