
You're Invited....

You're invited to join us right here on Tuesday for In "Other" Words...a weekly quote meme where we share our thoughts on a quote selected by that week's hostess.  I'm excited to be hosting this week, and to read others' thoughts on the quote below (as well as share my own!)  To participate, post your take on the quote at your blog, grab the IOW graphic below, and link back here.  Then come post the link to your post in the Mr. Linky that will be provided here Tuesday morning.    

If you don't have a blog, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments of Tuesday's post!  

See you Tuesday!

Only when we understand that God has ordained our suffering can we begin to make sense of it. Only then can we be certain that He has a purpose in it. When tragedy comes, when adversity strikes, we will not be shaken. Yes, we will cry. Yes, we will grieve. But we will move on confidently knowing that God is on His throne, that we are in His hand, that our circumstances are His doing, and He is working them for our good.”
~Terry L. Johnson, When Grace Comes Home

For more information about In "Other" Words, visit Loni at Writing Canvas.  While you're there, check out her book reviews, too!  I always appreciate her honesty and detail.