
Happy Birthday, Emlyn Olivia!!

Nine years ago today, we welcomed our Emlyn into the world.  The first thing we noticed was a shock of straight black hair that stood straight up on top of her head.   Very soon afterward, though, we noticed her calm, contented personality.  After two children with very strong personalities, Em's laid-back personality was quite a change (and a blessing to parents who now had three children under four! :))

After spending more time than planned trying to upload photos for this post due to "technical difficulties" of various kinds, I don't have time to write what I had planned at the moment, so I'm going to go ahead and upload the photos and write more after church.  For now...Happy Birthday, Emmie!!


  1. Oh happy, happy birthday sweet girl! Love you!

  2. So sweet! Happy Birthday to Emlyn!

  3. Happy Birthday Emlyn! I love how you wrote on her picture about her personality. What a great idea. She seems like a wonderful and sweet girl.
