
Tuesday's In "Other" Words...

I'm excited to be hosting today's In "Other" Words.  Please come back in just a bit and share your thoughts on this week's quote:

God delights in using ordinary Christians who come to the end of themselves and choose to trust in His extraordinary provision. He stands ready to allocate His power to all who are radically dependent on Him and radically devoted to making much of Him.”
~ David Platt 

Today's IOW post with linky will be up in just a bit!  Looking forward to having you join us today!


  1. Thanks for hosting this week! :)

    LOved the quote!

  2. I'm joining in today but couldn't find the linky. I appreciate you hosting and enjoyed writing on this quote.


  3. Good morning! Thanks for hosting this week ;o) I've got my post up, but have to run out for a while. Will catch up with the other participants this afternoon. Nina

  4. The post with linky is now up
    here .

    Thanks for joining in today...I'm looking forward to reading everyone's posts!

  5. How true that God shows us our limitations, but more importantly he reveals who He is so we can trust him in our weaknesses. Great thoughts on this quote!
