
IOW ~ God's Voice Through Pain

“God whispers to us in our pleasures...but shouts to us in our pain.”
~C.S. Lewis

When I read this quote on Loni's blog this morning, I couldn't help but think of my own words in a previous blog post  I happened to read a day or two ago...

"Sometimes God speaks in a still, small voice.

Other times, though, it sure seems like He whacks us over the head with a 2 x 4." 

Obviously, I'm not nearly as eloquent as C. S. Lewis...which would be why he is one of the great authors of all time, and I'm excited when I have 15 blog readers a day. :-D

I think the gist is the same, though.  God's voice does often seem much louder and more clear during times of trial and suffering.  

But then I think...is it really that His voice is louder or more clear?  Or is it that we are listening harder?  Tuning out more of the world's distractions?  More desperately focused on His Word?

Pondering this today...what are your thoughts?   I've shared often here of the ways that God has "shouted" to us in times of difficulty.  Do you have a story of God's whispers in time of pleasure, or shouts in time of pain?  I'd love to hear in the comments.  

And be sure to visit Debbie at Heart Choices, our hostess for In Other Words this week to see what she and others have posted about this quote! 


  1. I'm with you, I listen harder when things are tough going. (I also tend to refer to those as 2x4 moments). Great post!

  2. I think in hard times I'm so desperate to hear His voice. But then I get so distracted by the problems that I don't take as much time to sit and listen.

    I'm just so thankful to remember He hasn't left me alone.

    Thanks for joining in today for IOWT.


  3. How blessed we are that God wants us to hear him - no matter how loud he has to speak.

  4. I agree with you that we seek His Word more desperately in the rough times. Is that why it seems like He shouts? If I listened better in the good times, would the tough times be necessary?

    Lots to think about, Jen.
