
Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...March 2, 2010
Outside my window...  sunlight beginning to glisten on the leaves of the tree outside my window.  
I am remembering...  Granny Kitty this week.  Sunday would have been her 99th birthday.   It's hard to believe that she has been gone over 11 years.  I'm planning another post about her later today...pop back in and read about her namesake (Bayley), her role in my marrying Billy :), and her shoe obsession.  She was an amazing lady, and we miss her very much.
I am thinking...  about what we are going to have for supper.  Wednesday suppers are always a challenge, and somehow today snuck up on me without my having it figured out. :)
I am thankful for... encouragement God has provided in various forms this week.  
Noticing that...  God always sends just what I need just when I need it, if I am paying attention.  The problem is, I am often too absorbed in other things to see what He's sending. 
I am praying for...  friends going through really hard times right now...seems like so many people have such *big* needs.  As always, I am so thankful that God is holding each one in the palm of His hand, and that He is working His plan in every need.  
From the learning rooms... A bit of  assessment as we look toward testing in just over a month.  We pretty much take testing with a grain of salt (it's mandatory, so we do it, but I don't feel it is the best indicator of their progress by far), but I do want the children to feel comfortable and confident, so we'll do an occasional "test prep" activity during the next month or so.  I can't believe I have three old enough to test this year!  Daddy and Gracie will have some quality "Daddy-Daughter Time" that morning while the rest of us are gone.  
On my mind... the importance of little bits of progress.  Even as I struggle not to be overwhelmed by all that needs to be done in the near future, and the directions in which I'm feeling pulled, I am thankful for "baby steps" of progress, and trying to focus on doing what God provides time, energy, and mind-clarity for each day.   
Pondering these words...  "I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples." ~ Psalm. 77:11-14
My friend Annette shared those verses Sunday, and they have been such perfect "theme verses" for me to meditate on this week.  
From the kitchen...  I need to bake a bunch of potatoes today.  I got a really good deal on a big bag this weekend, and I'm hoping to remember to put them in the oven early enough to have some for lunch today, and then turn the rest into "twice baked" for the freezer.  We'll see how that goes. :) 
I am creating...  not much lately...but I am so ready to get back in creative mode!  I need to get a new blog header done, some scrapbooking, and a few gifts.  
I am reading...  Just started Wrestling Prayer: A Passionate Communion with God, by Eric and Leslie Ludy.  I can't wait to get further into this!
I am hearing... the whir of the electric heater beside me, birds chirping outside my window, otherwise, what will be a very short-lived bit of early morning silence. :)
Around the house...  The last few weeks have been of the "we're doing well to keep up" type around here...
One of my favorite things...  lists!  I love lists.  I always have.  I've been on a list-making spree this week, and it is simplifying life in so many ways.    
A few plans for the rest of the week:  church/choirs tonight, a birthday party Friday morning, hopefully lots of productive time otherwise. 
From the photo archive...
Mother and Granny Kitty at my wedding 14 years ago. :)  We used to tease Granny about the number of pictures we had of her with her tongue out.  That was typically her "hard at work/thinking" look...not sure the reason behind it here.  She and Mother were obviously enjoying something, though!

Please visit Peggy for more Daybook entries.


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