
In Other Words ~ "When Trials Come"

“I turn to wisdom not my own
For every battle You have known.
My confidence will rest in You;
Your love endures; Your ways are good.
When I am weary with the cost,
I see the triumph of the cross;
So in its shadow I shall run
Till He completes the work begun.”
~ When Trials Come
by Keith and Kristyn Getty

I am excited to be hosting this week's In "Other" Words, and looking forward to seeing what others have to share on the above quote.  To participate, after posting your thoughts on the above quote on your blog, come back here and link to your post (not your main blog page) on Mr. Linky.   (Come back later this morning for my post as well! :))

Thanks for participating, and be sure to visit the other participants as well!


1 comment:

  1. Good morning Jennifer - thanks for hosting this week. I'll be back later to read your post. Stop by for a visit when you get a minute! Have a blessed Tuesday, Nina
