
Daybook Monday

Outside my window... Gray skies and rain sprinkles.  *So* thankful for the warmer temps, though!   
I am remembering... Eight years ago today...a day that was supposed to be tragic as we all waited for our friends to have a baby that wasn't supposed to survive.  I will never forget the phone call saying that he was here, alive, and much healthier than there was any medical possibility of his being...we rejoiced in a true miracle. 
Two years later, I used to walk by his picture on the bulletin board at UAMS on the way to the NICU to see Ammah Grace, thanking God for what he had done for Josh and his family, and praying that we would see such a miracle ourselves.  On the hardest days, that picture reminded me of God's faithfulness and gave me hope. 
Josh is now one of the brightest, healthiest, most active kids I know...not to mention hysterically funny.  He is a sure cure for a bad day...I start laughing in anticipation the minute Kathy says "I have another Josh story...." :-D  
Happy Birthday, Squash!!

I am thinking...  that a Monday morning when we had to get up early to take Billy to work and then go to a field trip in the middle of the day was probably *not* the best day to start a new "kids' chores" regimen!  
I am thankful for...   the promise of His strength in our weakness..."But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:10
Noticing that...   Having *everything* written down (or typed :)) is making a difference!  I have officially declared war on the brain fog that has plagued me in varying degrees for the past 5 years, and which seems to have settled in deeply recently.  One of the bullet-points of the battle plan is "Lists and Lists of Lists!"  I have been working to create checklists for every area of life right now, so that rather than constantly spinning my wheels about what needs to be done (and forgetting most of it!), all I have to do is remember to look at the lists. :)  The lists are down to the absolutely nitty-gritty...*nothing* is left to "Surely I'll remember THAT!" chance.  The lists themselves have been some work, but it has been well worth it!
I am praying for...  a missionary friend in Indonesia whose family is heavy on my heart this week as they await medical test results on their 12 year old son.  
From the learning rooms...   Testing is a month from today.  I spent some time yesterday writing down some goals for a "30 Day Challenge" for the month.  As I mentioned last week, testing is not a big issue here, and in keeping with that, very few of the challenge goals are testing-related in any sense, and not all of them are even academically oriented!  But the time frame seemed like a good opportunity for a challenge. :)  We're trying to build some good habits and get rid of some bad ones we've slipped into...Mom and kids alike.  I'll keep you posted on our progess. :)  
On my mind...   Various events in the past week have caused me to ponder how very far our legal system has *not* come when it comes to protecting the rights of victims...particularly child victims.  It can be quite depressing if one dwells on it too long.  But...God has also been gracious to send reminders during the week of His constant care of His children *despite* the shortcomings of the legal system.  His power is sovereign over all, and He is ever working for the good of His children.  What a comfort and blessing to be reminded of His love and care!
Pondering these words...  "The lost man leaps into sin and loves it; the saved man lapses into sin and loathes it." ~ Adrian Rogers, quoted by Bro. Kent in last week's sermon.
From the kitchen...   Making granola tomorrow, at Billy's request.  It's been a while. :)  
I am creating...   lists! (See above. :))
I am reading...   my lists. :)  (Are you seeing a pattern here?? :-D)   Seriously, this past week has been pretty intensely focused on the "battle against brain fog", so I haven't done a great deal of reading that hasn't been related to that or school.  Looking forward to jumping back in to Wrestling Prayer: A Passionate Communion with God
, by Eric and Leslie Ludy,  and Found Art: Discovering Beauty in Foreign Places
, by Leeana Tankersley, which I will be reviewing soon!
I am hearing...  Rain!  I started this post early this morning, and am just now getting back to it in the late evening.  
Around the house...  Hoping to get a lot of sorting and purging done during our 30 Day Challenge!
One of my favorite things...   listening to Billy read aloud!  He has started reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle aloud to the kids at bedtime.  It's been a while since we've had a "Daddy Read-Aloud", and we are all excited. :)
A few plans for the rest of the week:   Today was Earquake, which was wonderful!  The rest of the week is home, home, home...other than the normal Wednesday church activities and Friday grocery trip (at least I hope!)  
From the photo archive...

My grandmother's jonquils peeking up in my front yard!  She planted them over 17 years ago...possibly over 20!...in what was then *her* front yard...and they continue to come up every year.  They always make me smile. :)



  1. I love the thought of your grandmother's plants coming up...I love that!!! What a treasure and a beautiful memory. We are having rain this week but everything is turning green and Spring is definitely on its way! I loved reading about Josh and just wanted to Praise the Lord with you all! Beautiful daybook:) I hope you have a blessed week.

  2. Love your blog! This is my first visit and I'll definitely be back. So enjoyed your answers and I love lists and have been making them for as long as I can remember. I probably could not function without one anymore. I seem to be more productive with them. In fact, I referred to my list in my entry today too. Blessings to you for a wonderful week!
