
Thankful Thursday

It's actually Wednesday night as I post this, but I have time and thoughts to post now, so I'm going to get a jump on it. :) My thankful thoughts this week are very random...

1. My mom finally got the external fixator removed from her arm today. We thought this was going to happen 2 weeks ago, so we were concerned about what would happen today. We are all really glad that the metal pins and bar are *gone*! She is now in a wrap and a brace/splint, and will be starting physical therapy next week. There is some damage to the ligaments that had not shown up before, so they will look at that again in a month to see if it is healing on its own or if she needs surgery. We are praying that it will heal smoothly, but we are thankful for the progress we've seen so far.

(this is what we are so glad to be rid of!)

2. My goofy husband. I've been talking for weeks about re-arranging the furniture in the living room. I finally got our bedroom cleaned out so that we could move some things in there from the living room, so that we *could* move the furniture in the living room, but haven't had a chance to actually re-arrange yet. Tonight when I talked to Billy on the way home from choir practice, he made some comment about the kids having left a mess in the living room (we took my mom to the dr. today and ended up being gone longer than we meant to be). I said, "I know, they are supposed to clean it up when we get home and I'm going to try to move the furniture tomorrow. He said, "I had an idea for how you could move things..." and proceeded to tell me what it was. I said that sounded good, and we'd try to get to it tomorrow. When I got home a minute later...it was already done! He had moved the furniture for me while I was in choir...and then went through the ruse of planning to move it tomorrow to make the surprise even better. (I should have known something was up...I must be *really* tired! :-D) Isn't he sweet? I am so blessed to have a husband who works so hard to show us in so many ways how much he loves us.

3. My friend K. Her birthday is today, and I was reminded again while writing in her card what a blessing she is. God has blessed me so abundantly in the area of friends, and I am so thankful for this special friend who has been with me through so much...who has laughed with me, cried with me, counseled me, listened for hours, and been there with a hug when I've needed it most. I am so thankful for the gift of her friendship.

4. A much-needed shopping trip Tuesday night with my friend J. Again...I am amazed at the blessing of friendships that God has given. It was good to get out and talk with no interruptions (i.e. my small people), laugh, shop, talk, eat a little chocolate :), talk, and just relax a bit. I am thankful for the *break* and even more for her friendship!

5. I am especially thankful today for a birthday we will celebrate Sunday. Our second child and first daughter was born August 12. I am so thankful for this incredible little girl...who isn't so little any more. She is growing up so fast! I am thankful for her sensitive spirit, her diligence, her organizing streak, her determination, and her nurturing heart. Most of all I am thankful that she has a desire to please God and her mom and dad (*most* of the time:)). She has gone through some rough times lately, but I know that God has a very special plan for her, and I'm glad that part of that plan is my being her mother!

To see what others are thankful for this week, visit Iris at Sting My Heart.


  1. Sounds like God has truly blessed you with so many amazing people in your life! SO encouraging!

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Your mom's arm looks painful---ouch! Glad she can start physical therapy.

    Great list of thankfuls! Thanks for sharing. :)


  3. What a blessing your Mom got that contraption off! Looks painful! Your hubby really blessed you - how sweet! I'm a homeschool Mom, too. I've graduated my oldest and he's starting college the end of this month. My youngest son is in 11th grade and I'm treasuring these last two years of Hsing I'll have with him. God bless!!

  4. Bless your thankful heart, I am praying for your mom.

  5. indeed, we have so much to be thankful of.

  6. Great list. That was so sweet of your husband. I love surprises like that!

  7. Hoping for a good recovery for your mom. Blessings on your sweet husband. Have a great celebration of you daughter on Sunday!

  8. Your thankful list was such a blessing to read!

    I especially loved what you wrote regarding your daugther and her birthday. She must have one special mommy too!

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed your list Jennifer. Your sweet, thankful spirit just shines through it all.
    Happy Birthday to your daughter. I love all the pictures in your header - beautiful children!

  10. I am so happy for your mom. I remember when my mom had to wear one of those. I hope the pain goes away soon.

    I enjoyed reading your blessings.

  11. How neat that your beloved already moved all the furniture for you. That reminds of the things I really need to do, but we will wait until our son has moved out of the house...

    Friendships are truly a blessing - especially girl friends :)

    I hope that your little girl will have a super-duper birthday on Sunday.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

    Blessings to you and yours...

  12. Best wishes to the birthday girl and your mother for continued healing.

    Blessings to you this week!

  13. What a wonderful list . Thank you for sharing your thankful heart.

    Have a blessed weekend.

