
It's Monday again...:)

Seems like Mondays roll around awfully quickly these days. :) Here are our plans for the week:

1. Bible Study
*I have been meaning for quite a while to go back to the Bible Study I started last fall on Suffering...I want to review what I had already done, and pick up where I left off. My goal this week is to work on that daily.
*I also want to keep the three *big kids* on track with their Bible Studies...which they have started doing somewhat more independently, in addition to our family Bible time at the beginning of our school day.
*And...I need to decide on our Scripture memory work for the next few weeks.

2. Must Dos
*I have a stack of thank you notes that are way overdue. They *must* be done and in the mail by Friday.
*We are still planning to do a very small *friend party* for the girls' birthdays. I *must* get plans for that finalized by *tomorrow*.
*The dining room is still in need of more cleaning out/decluttering/reorganizing, both so we can function in there more efficiently for school, and so that we can start prepping the walls to paint. (Yay!!) I really wanted to get that done today and tomorrow and work on some other projects the rest of the week, but my body is insisting that I pace myself better this week, so I'm going to make this the priority for the *week* and not just a couple of days.
*I *have* to get some baking done early this week. We are trying to get back to homemade rather than storebought snacks, and I have some new recipes I want to try!

3. Home Blessing/Zones
*Other than the previously mentioned dining room, I need to do some deep cleaning in the kitchen this week.
*We've gotten a lot done on the house in the past few weeks that I need to focus on *maintaining*.
*Because of our erratic schedule and health issues lately, I've gotten *really* bad about leaving the supper dishes until morning (we don't have a dishwasher.) Last week I tried to get the dishes done every night right after supper, which made my mornings much more smooth and pleasant. I'm going to try to make it *every* night this week.

4. Train them up
*One of my children in particular really needs some work on first time obedience, and also some real focus on tying heartstrings. That is top priority this week...for everyone, but for that one especially.
*One of my children (the obvious one:)), needs to be finished with diapers, once and for all. We are really struggling with this. We are going to make a serious push (again! *rolling eyes*) for progress in this area this week.
*Mom has gotten lax about not *checking* chores when given a verbal report that they are finished, which led to some *major* issues this weekend around here. This week we are going back to *inspections* before the chore list is checked off. :)

5. Menu
This week is already promising to need some built in flexibility. In anticipation of that, I'm not assigning days to meals, but just listing them so that we can have more labor-intensive meals on the days that is manageable, and easy ones on the other days.
*Twice Baked Potatoes, Salad
*Tater Tot Casserole (carry-over from a week or two ago when it got skipped:)) and green beans
*Meaty Mexican Rice, Beans, and cornbread
*Cheesy Chicken Pasta, salad, and bread machine bread
*Brat Stew and biscuits
*Frozen pizza/hot dogs as needed. :)

For more information on Monday Meanderings or to see others' plans for the week, visit Tiany at Less of Me~More of Him. For great menu ideas, visit Laura at Orgjunkie.


  1. Those heart strings should come up weekly by default. :)

    Good list.

  2. Sounds like a delicious week!

  3. Oh, my. This reminds me of all I need to do. I have been putting off some major things until kindergarten started, but now I am going to come up with a very big list and get busy!

  4. I'm working on first time obedience as well.

    Good luck with the potty training! I don't miss those days! LOL

    And your meals sound terrific!

    Blessings to you and your family!


  5. I have one that I need to start potty training, and I'm NOT looking forward to it. =P

    I always allow flexibility in my menu plan. I need that freedom. At least all the ingredients are there and the plan is in place, I can switch around till my hearts content. ;-)

    I never use my dishwasher eventhough I have one. For one there are 8 of us and I could never fit all the dishes anyhow, and secondly, I can't bear to waste the water.

    did an experiment with dishwasher vs. handwashing and the results of her bill and measuring were astonishing! When you are washing those tedious dishes, smile and know you are saving whether it seems like it or not. ;-)


  6. I think all of us seem to have one that needs some work in the obedience training :-) I know I do!

    I would love to hear more about your homemade snacks!!!

    Praying you have a blessed and productive week with you family!!!

  7. I too am trying to bake and make more!! I understand!!! and the thank you notes...:)

    Please post any great recipes that you bake...
