
Blogger Reflection Award

When I began blogging, Julie at Joyful Days was one of the first people to regularly comment on my posts. (In fact, my very *first* comment was from her!) Her comments have been so encouraging to a new blogger (especially on those days I wonder if anyone is actually reading... :-)) She always has just the right word of encouragement. I have also appreciated so much her spirit of gratefulness and attitude of worship...they shine through her blog.

One of her comments recently (ack...over a week ago, actually...it's taken me forever to narrow down my list to five!) was a very special and unexpected surprise...she posted to tell me that she had given me a Blogger Reflection Award at her blog. Her sweet words were such a blessing and encouragement!

The Blogger Reflection Award rules say this: Here are the rules for passing this award on: The reason for the title is because this award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy... of knowing them and being blessed by them.

1. Copy this post.

2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.

3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.

4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they've been given the award.

5. Put the award icon on your site.

It has been such a huge challenge to decide on 5 bloggers to pass this award on to. Being pretty new to the blogging world, there are very few bloggers I actually know...or perhaps I should say, very few who know *me*. There are many who have blessed me in many ways by sharing their hearts and lives through their blogs...so much so that I feel as though I do *know* them...as my ever-growing "A Few of My Favorite Blogs" (which passed up a "few* long ago! :-D) list attests. I have finally managed to narrow it down to five bloggers who have impacted me greatly...but they are by no means the only ones.

First, I have to say that if Julie at Joyful Days hadn't been the one to tag me with this award, she would definitely have been one of the first on my list. So...although I probably am not supposed to pass the award back to her, please be sure to check out her blog anyway! Then grab your drink of choice (and maybe a bit of chocolate:)) and spend some time visiting these special bloggers to whom I am passing on the Blogger Reflection Award:

1. Dell at PrairieFrog Blog. I came across Dell's blog through a message board on which we both participate. She was one of those people whose posts I watched for on the board because I admired her so much, so when I saw that she had a blog, I was thrilled. Not only did her blog inspire me to start blogging myself, but her blog motivated me to take the final step in changing directions completely in our homeschool. Her wisdom and her personality shine through her posts...and she has some incredibly adorable children! I would love to go live at Dell's house for a few weeks and just learn right alongside her children.

2. Daisey Anne (Kirsten) at Home Grown Family/Masterpiece Academy. Daisey is another blogger I *met* through a message board first. (Of course, I have to say here, I tend to lurk more than post...so *meeting* is a relative term. :)) I always enjoy Daisey's openness and honesty...and her love for the Lord and her family are just exciting! Her Homeschool Open House post made me want to start school Right. That. Second. And she loves lists as much as I do!

3. Amy at Cup Half Full. I'm not sure how I happened upon this blog, but it has been a real blessing. I haven't made it through all of her frugal living posts yet...but after I read them all through once, I'm going to go back and take notes on them! She makes good stewardship exciting...and she has some great recipes and menu ideas for the frugal budget. I've really enjoyed perusing her Mommy Meanderings, too...and I have even printed this one out to put in my binder so I can refer to it often. Great reminders for us wives and moms (and I really appreciate the inclusion of number 9. It's on the list. I have to do it. *grin*)

4. Lallee of Lallee's Cottage. If you haven't been to visit Lallee's Cottage, you are in for a treat. It's just beautiful, for starters. And her adorable crocheted hats make me wish my girls were tiny again...they are just way too cute. She has motivated me to get serious again about the girls learning to crochet...and my learning right along with them! But not only is Lallee's blog beautiful, she is also a sweet, friendly, and encouraging blogger. She ran across a post on my blog about an Oswald Chambers devotional that had really impacted me, and left a comment to say that she had posted about that same devotional around the same time. She was then very sweet to mention my post on her blog last week...along with a great video of Casting Crowns' song Who Am I? with the Extended Hands drama ministry. I had never seen Extended Hands before, and I was fascinated! Check out her post here. I really appreciate Lallee's evident love of the Lord and her encouraging spirit.

5. Iris at Sting My Heart. There is no telling how many times Iris has won this award (and many others). For that reason alone, although she was one of the first names to come to mind for this award, I hesitated. Then I read this from the creator of this award..."...and if the bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don't be afraid to give to them again. They deserve it as many times as it's given." So...I pass this award to Iris again. Her blog has been such a source of encouragement to me...as have her sweet comments on my blog, an email or two that we have exchanged, and even a sweet e-card recently that was such a timely blessing. I know that many, many people are blessed by her Thankful Thursday meme every week...both by her own honesty and thankfulness and continual testimony to God's faithfulness in her life, and by the gentle push to the rest of us every week to reflect on all the ways God has blessed us. I appreciate her devotionals, her Thankful posts, and her encouragement so much!

Thank you, again, Julie, for your encouragement, and for giving me the chance to reflect on these and other bloggers who have blessed me, and on the times that God has used them to encourage, challenge, motivate, and inspire me.


  1. Wow! I'm at a loss for words... what an encouragement! I enjoy your blog too, and it is obvious I don't have a corner on the market of adorable children! Light shines in your children's faces!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'll have to think of which blogs to pass this along to--I'm blessed by many that I read regularly.

    I'd also meant to post that I enjoyed the glimpse into your day in the homeschool open house. (And the pictures!) I intended to comment on it at the time, but something (likely someone small) must have interrupted me. ;)

  2. Oh, Jennifer - thank you so much. Your really don't know what it means to me what you have written about Sting my Heart. I am so glad that God is using my little blog to encourage others :)
    I hope you still have time to write your Thankful Thursday post :) - the Linky is open until Saturday midday :)

    (((hugs))) and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Jennifer, I am finally back home & I will be visiting these blogs that you passed the award to. I truly meant what I said, your posts have been a blessing to me. After I finish catching up on yours, of course. Thank you for your thoughtful words the other day.


