
Birthday Girls

August is an eventful month for us...two birthdays in 6 days! (We thought Emlyn was going to be born on Bayley's 2nd birthday, but she was born six days later.) We've had a full week of celebrations, and we aren't finished yet! Here are some pictures of the fun so far...

Bayley in her pink hog hat. She and Peter follow in their Papaw's footsteps as Razorback fans, and Bayley has wanted a pink hog hat forever. Bayley ready for church on her birthday. I can't believe she is *8*! She is becoming such a young lady. Mamoe made ice cream sandwich cakes for both of the girls for their birthdays. Yummm!Bayley's birthday meal of choice (which she didn't get to have until the day *after* her birthday because we went to Mamoe's on her birthday for roast. :)) Emlyn barely awake on her birthday...ready to open presents. *Ta-Ta* called to wish each of the girls Happy Birthday. Even though they don't remember ever seeing her in person, they love her like family and love to talk to her on the phone! Emlyn was making such cute faces while they were talking that I had to get the camera. Little sister didn't have a birthday, but she was determined to get in on the phone calls. Uncle Tim took everyone to the Lone Star for the girls' birthdays. What a treat! We had a really good time and had a really yummy lunch!Aunt Shelly, Brianna, and Bay.What a birthday smile!! I love this picture of Emlyn. People at church yesterday kept remarking on how fast she is growing up...I can't believe she is six! Cousin Brianna. Speaking of growing up, Brianna starts Jr. High this week. Seems like just yesterday she was a two year old in velvet and ruffles at my wedding!Uncle Tim tipped off the staff that we had a couple of birthdays. They came and sang to the girls...causing Bayley to completely lose her appetite from embarrassment. :) Then they brought the girls two of these huge Sundaes...which *all 9* of us shared and *still* couldn't finish! Yum. Bayley and Peter were intrigued by Aunt Shelly's MP3 player. We're so techie at our house...all of my kids took one look and said, "What's THAT?"


  1. I love birthdays. We don't do lessons on birthdays which gives us plenty of time to open pressies, see friends, and have a special meal. We always take a photo of everyone hugging the birthday person and last year I started a new tradition of taking a photo of mum and dad with birthday person. After looking at your photos I think another photography tradition is about to start - the birthday person and their meal (which, like your family, they choose.)
    Thanks for sharing your family.


  2. Belinda...We have let them choose their birthday meal ever since the oldest one could talk, and I think I have pictures of every single one. :) It's fun to look back and see how their tastes have changed. I love your ideas of photos of everyone hugging the bday person and the bday person with mom and dad. I'm going to start those with our next birthday! Thanks for sharing!


  3. We have a birthday boy this week. I cannot believe how fast they grow up. Birthdays get to be a strung out event since we live away from family, we visit and have birthday and then have a little birthday at home. It is possible mine get a little spoiled for a week.

    Lovely pictures. Looks like a wonderful time.



  4. Oh, I'm sorry I'm late saying happy birthday! Your daughter is just adorable. It looks like she had some grand celebrations. Too fun!
