
Thankful Thursday

I have had all kinds of things I planned to blog about this week, but I just haven't gotten that far. Hopefully I can make up for that in the next day or two...but in the meantime, I am *determined* to get in my Thankful Thursday post!

This weeks' "Thankfuls" are a bit random...I guess that is how my mind is working at the moment. :)

1. I have a date tonight! Billy and I haven't gotten to go out much in the past year, so it is a real treat when we get to for any reason. Billy was asked to speak at a meeting tonight, so my friend J is going to keep the kids while we go get a bite to eat and then go to the meeting. What a treat!

2. A slower week. It has been really nice to be at home more this week and start getting back on schedule even a *little* bit.

3. Along with that, some time to cook, and plan menus. I'm actually looking forward to shopping day tomorrow again, because I have a good menu planned and will hopefully have time to cook it. :)

4. More on this in another post, but Darcy is doing well and so far we have not had any significant puppy problems (at least with the puppy itself...we still have a little work to do as far as the kids *sharing* the puppy. ;-))

5. Cooler temperatures than usual. We have had a really *mild* summer here...we've had a smattering of temps in the low nineties so far, but mostly our highs have stayed in the 80s. I'm *really* thankful for the break from our usually sweltering summer temps.

For more Thankful Thursdays, swing by and see Laurel Wreath, who is guest hosting this week's Thankful Thursday.


  1. Have fun on your date! Blessings...

  2. Hope you have a great date night! Many blessings to you today.

  3. Enjoy your date, may you be sweetly blessed.

  4. Hope the date went well & you have another soon! :-)
