
Tackle It Tuesday

I have debated and debated about what my tackle was going to be today. When you have a list a mile long of things that *have* to be done....how do you pick one to be a tackle? :-) Then I decided I wanted to use a scrapbook page from a few years ago as the basis of a blog post, so I opened the scrapbook cabinet and began to look for it. It wasn't there. No problem. I used to teach scrapbook classes, and submit pretty regularly to scrapbook mags, so more of my pages are *not* in albums than *are*. I have a box that has a stack of pages that never got *put up* after I used them for whatever purpose, so I began to sift through the layouts in the box. It wasn't there, either. NOW I was beginning to get worried. What's more, in looking for this particular one, I realized that there were several I couldn't put my finger on. ACK.

So...today's tackle is...sort and declutter the dining/school room (which also houses my scrapbook area.) And in the process...FIND THE MISSING SCRAPBOOK PAGES. I'll check in later and let you know where they were hiding out. In the meantime, head over to 5 Minutes for Mom to see what others are tackling today.

1 comment:

  1. i haven't been scrapping digitally for many months now and i miss it! hope u can share ur scrapbook pages here...my tackle is done!
