
SMART Habits Saturday

I've missed SHS the past few weeks, and I haven't done real well with my first habit...daily quiet time *first thing*. I'm going to keep working on that one this week, and add another: *think before I speak* with my children. I have realized this week that I have let stress and health issues get the best of me way too often, and it has really impacted how I communicate with my children...which is, in turn, impacted their behavior.:-( So, this week I need to get *out* of the habit of being negative with my children, and get *back* in the habit of kind, gentle speech.

For more ideas on building SMART habits, go to The Lazy Organizer.


  1. Good luck with your goals this week! I like you the idea of not being negative and being positive. I think that it important!

  2. I need my quiet time in the morning, it helps my whole day go smoother. Good luck with that this week!

  3. It really sets the day up to be more peaceful doesn't it? Good luck this week.

  4. Great habits. I hope you do well with them this week. Have a good one.

  5. Just keeping working on them with us. We'll get there!

  6. I'm glad I didn't read this on Saturday, because I really needed to read it today. One of my middles is trying to piss me off today, I'm convinced. I just yelled at him and parked him in the chair so I could complete my 20 min. of time on the computer this morning. Kindness . . . kindness . . . I needed to hear that. Thank you.
