
Show and Tell Friday

I have no fine art in my house. (I *do* actually have a painting by a professional artist, but that is another day's story. :)) Right now our house is in a (seemingly unending) state of transition, so I haven't done much *decorating* in a while. But when I am in decorating mode, the things I most enjoy using are things that are not only beautiful (or at least interesting ;-)), but that also have a story behind them...things with meaning to our family. Such is the case with one of my favorite *works of art* in my living room.

(Please forgive the picture quality...try as I might I could *not* get a good picture of this picture. These were the best of about 45 shots!)

This picture is about 66 years old. My dad painted it when he was somewhere around the first grade. Apparently my grandmother was quite proud of it, as she framed it in this frame, and I assume it hung in their house at some point. By the time I was born, it had been packed away in a box or a closet for many years, I'm sure. Around the time Billy and I got married, my grandmother had pulled it out while cleaning, and had it in a stack of things to get rid of. I happened by and asked what it was...and when I discovered that it was a childhood masterpiece of Daddy's, immediately claimed it for my own and it has had a place of honor in our living room ever since.

Daddy wasn't especially excited about it's newfound home. He used to good-naturedly grouse about it periodically when he was here, and act as though he would have preferred it had been taken to the burn barrel. I think he was a little bit pleased, though, that I considered it special enough to hang on my wall. For me it is a very precious example of *found art*, and no matter how our decor may change over the years, it will always find a place on my wall!

To see what others are sharing today, stop in at There's No Place Like Home.


  1. That is a wonderful treasure, Jennifer! I'm so glad that your grandmother gave it to you, I would proudly display it on my wall too! Thank you for joining in for show and tell!


  2. Your dad truly had some talent at an early age! What special finds to be able to display!

  3. How neat to have a treasure like that made by your father!

  4. How cool to have a picture made by your Dad when he was little!

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. that looks quite good for 1st grade. That is a very neat treasure. BTW, I don't know if this will help but I have to take pictures of pictures at an angle so the flash doesn't flash back to the camera. Blessings...

  6. Oh how very special. I'm with you I bet he secretly loved it!!!

  7. I adore that art! Now.... make sure you have that mounted on acid free paper or it won't last another 66 years!

  8. That piece of artwork is a real family treasure :)
    Your header is so cute..Truly another work of art!!
