
Menu Plan Monday

Okay...I *know* this is Tuesday. And I *know* it says "Menu Plan MONDAY". But can I be excused for posting a day late if I tell you that I was in the *middle* of finalizing our menu for the week when our 3 year old fell into the coffee table and we suddenly found ourselves spending Monday afternoon in the Emergency Room? More about that in its *own* special post (complete with pictures...and those who know me, know they are *not* at all graphic!:)), but first, on with our menu...

Monday--Creamy Tacos (Billy had made these all by himself Sunday night while I was at church...thank goodness for leftovers because after a day in the ER with 4 children, I was *not* up to cooking!)

Tuesday--My *plan* was Twice Baked Potatoes...but Billy came home with coupons for free kid's meals from Chick-Fil-A, so we did that instead. :)

Wednesday--Tortellini with salad, green beans, and french bread

Thursday--Enchiladas (I'll try to remember to post this recipe tomorrow...Billy loves these and they are a little different as they don't use traditional red sauce.)

Friday--Honey Mustard Chicken, Noodles, Veggies

Now...I can't wait to head over to Orgjunkie and see what I missed from other people's MPM posts yesterday!

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