
Menu Plan Monday

This is still a real challenge around here. My mom still can't drive and has been needing us to help her get back and forth to the nursing home to see my grandfather right around supper time several days a week. We never really know what the schedule is going to be until the time comes. So...I'm trying to be flexible this week. This is my *plan* of when we're having what....but it is subject to change suddenly. :) I've also stocked up on sandwich and salad stuff for the nights we're running too late for anything else. :)

Monday--Taco Soup and salad
Tuesday--Honey Mustard Chicken and Squash Casserole
Wednesday--Macaroni and Cheese *or* Eat at Church
Thursday--Big Batch Beef Sauce Spaghetti
Friday--Sausage/Tortellini Soup and Homemade Bread

See Laura's site for more great menu ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Your menu looks delicious! have a great Monday.
