
I won a book!

I have been meaning to post this ever since Katrina let me know I'd won....and here I have the book in my hands and I still haven't posted. Ack!

I won a book in Katrina's Books Galore! giveaway a couple of weeks ago. It arrived Saturday...and it looks *really* good. I can't wait to read it! The Divine Appointment is written by Jerome Teel, an author I haven't read before. In addition to having an intriguing plot summary, it's also of interest because the author graduated from the same college Billy did (Union University in Jackson, TN). Thanks, Katrina!! (Check out Katrina's blog, Callapidder Days, when you get a chance...in addition to just being great reading...and deserving the *Cutest Blog Title* award :-D...she has great reviews and giveaways!)


  1. I'm glad you won and I hope you enjoy it!

  2. Thanks so much!! I'll review it after I read...I can't wait to get started.
