
Thankful Thursday

I had planned all week to participate in my *first* Thankful Thursday today...and then this morning got up and almost backed out. I'm just not *feeling* especially thankful this morning. I'm not necessarily feeling *not* thankful...just kind of *blah*. (Probably has something to do with a grueling Wednesday followed by a mostly-sleepless night...and knowing I can't just let the kids watch movies all day while I sleep because we are going to be gone *all day* tomorrow and we have WAY TOO MUCH TO DO. :)) But then I realized...this is probably exactly the kind of day I *need* a Thankful Thursday the most! If I'm *not* feeling thankful, I need to get that way. So...here goes:

1.Grocery Day tomorrow. Since Billy's schedule change, I've decided the kids and I will do our major shopping trip *together* every other Friday. 4 kids, Sam's Club *and* the Supercenter, sometimes the Bread Store and/or the Chicken Outlet...Makes for a *very* long day!! And a new experience for a mom who is used to doing her major shopping *alone*...or *occasionally* with all four kids and dad along. But the kids did *so* well two weeks ago that I am actually looking forward to it this week...and I'm loving their excitement about it! Who knew that group shopping could be so much fun for everybody??

2. Snorting!! Ammah Grace is snorting at me as I am typing...acting like she is a monster coming to get me. She is *so* funny sometimes (okay, *almost* all the time!) And I don't suppose I will ever get over marvelling at every single little thing she does...and remembering that we weren't sure she would ever even be able to *smile* at us...much less keep us in stitches 90% of the time. I know that God gave her to us to make us smile during dark days...and remind us how Amazingly Powerful He really is.

3. Monkey Cake. I have been planning to make this banana cake for over a week now, and *finally* got it done yesterday. Bayley helped me with it and we renamed it "Monkey Cake" in the process (it was originally called Banana Bread Cake...I'll try to post the recipe later.) It turned out really good, and I'm just glad I finally got to mark it *off* my list.

4. House progress. We still have a LONNGG way to go, but we've made a lot of progress on the house recently. I'm thankful for a husband who comes home from a long week of work and is willing to jump in and work on the house, and for all the things I keep looking at this week and thinking, "wow, that looks better!"

5. The upcoming 3 day weekend. We are doing well with Billy's new schedule, but I *do* miss having three day weekends every week. I'm looking forward to having one this week!

Have to stop for now and get the kids (and myself) moving again. Check out the other TT posts at Sting My Heart , and thanks to Iris for the motivation to *get thankful* today!


  1. Welcome to Thursday Thirteen. You are right--Absolutly--that is what Thankful Thurday does--makes you focus on counting your blessings. It’s a great fellowship group encouraging one another, bearing one another's burdens, praying for one another, and more. You'll be gald you joined.

    I'm looking forawrd to the Monkey Bread recipe.

  2. Glad you chose to be a part of this. Welcome to Thankful Thursday. It's amazing what God does in our hearts when we focus on thankfulness. The Monkey Cake sounds good. Glad the house is coming along. Work on the house can be stressful! Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your nice long weekend!

  3. Welcome to thankful thursday, bless you sweet one.

  4. There are days I don't particularly feel thankful either...but posting always changes how I feel...so glad you persevered and shared with us!

  5. I believe that there are alot of us feeling this way today and chose to participate anyway, glad I did and I'm glad you did as well!

  6. Welcome to Thankful Thursday! What a wonderful list.

    However, I have to ask, what is a chicken outlet?

    Enjoy your long weekend.

  7. Lyndy...:-D One of the large poultry-processing plants in our area has an outlet store where you can buy all kinds of value-added chicken products *really* cheap. Chicken nuggets of all kinds, hot wings, breaded chicken patties, boneless, skinless br*asts, etc. They provide chicken for a lot of restaurants, so you can get some really good stuff at a great price. One of my favorite budget finds for quick and easy meals!

  8. Welcome to thankful Thursday I am so glad you joined us. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.
    In his endless love,

    Angel ( Angel Mama)

  9. I know that we don't 'feel' thankful sometimes, we are groggy, tired, not enough sleep...But I always tell myself, well, you have a roof over your head, your half-way healthy, you have a family that loves you and a Heavenly Father that is nuts about you...so I need just look around and voila - thankfulness comes out of my mouth...

    I think it is so cool that you are looking forward to the 'family shopping spree' :) The Monkey Cake sounds awesome - I am sure it tasted yummy. Would be something my Sweetheart would love to eat.
    Enjoy your long weekend together -- I know we will.

    Thank you for sharing your grateful heart, despite that you didn't feel thankful.
    Blessings to you and yours.
