
Thankful Thursday--Sovreignty of God

I am thankful this morning to have been reminded again that *nothing* takes God by surprise.
He has reminded me over and over of that in recent months. As I read this Thankful Thursday post, I thought as I have thought often recently, that God's Sovreignty can at times be very painful. That has been a new realization this year. When we have experienced trials in the past, the Sovreignty of God has always been a comfort...but I have discovered through this past year that there are sufferings of a depth that can truly make the Sovreignty of God *hurt*. However, I am so thankful that that realization has come hand in hand with realizing God's love on a whole new level. He has shown me that the pain of His Sovreignty is always accompanied by the immensity of His Love and Care. He truly does "carry us close to His Heart as a Shepherd" (Isa. 40:11).

Robin Sampson posted this quote from Warren Wiersbe in her Thankful Thursday post this week...I am thankful that God led her to post and led me to see them, as I *needed* these words today:

“If we only endure our trials, then trials become our master, and we have a tendency to become hard and bitter. If we try to escape our trials, then we will probably miss the purposes God wants to achieve in our lives. But if we learn to enlist our trials, they will become our servants instead of our masters and work for us; and God will work all things together for our good and His glory. (Rom. 8:28).”

I am thankful this morning that no matter how hard the day or how blah my mood, God always reminds me of His incredible blessings if I will just stop long enough to be reminded. I'm thankful for Thankful Thursday giving a *push* to stop and let Him remind me.


  1. Amen to that! I never have to wonder if God new "that" was going to happen. Praise Him!

  2. I'm clinging to that sovereignty right now. I'm glad to hear that God is teaching you, too. His love for us and the way He teaches us about Himself is beautiful. I was blessed by your thankfulness. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for sharing this wisdom today - I know many will benefit from it!

  4. Thank you for sharing. I've been mediating, again, on James 1..."count it all joy...." No matter the circumstance, God is bigger. Blessings on your weekend.

  5. I'm so happy to have found your blog! We are a homeschooling family too! Thanks for sharing this week. Blessings to you from Okinawa, Japan!

  6. I know that you mean -- after a hard week at the office, I feel kinda blah myself. Thankfully I have about 20 more Thankful posts to read :)...
    The trails sometimes hurt, but they also remind us that we are in His care.

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart today and be thankful.

    Have a blessed weekend...
