
Experimenting with Photos...

Okay. I actually managed to post an avatar picture in my profile. (Don't tell Billy...he'll start that *nerd* stuff again...;-)) Now I'm going to see if I can manage to post a photo in the body of my post...

I actually posted not one, but five! :) I still have a lot to learn...obviously. Not only is one of them *sideways*, but they ended up in completely the wrong order (I went through a rather convoluted process to get them here...I'll have to read up on posting photos tonight.)

Now for the introductions...
This is Billy...the incredibly spoiling husband. He said earlier "I don't want my picture in that blog..." I said, "Not even the one where you are kissing the donkey??" "Oh, okay, I guess you can use that one." (For those who are wondering...we went to visit friends who have a donkey, and Billy was sharing a carrot stick with it. ;-))

These are the *creative kids*. I don't remember what they were playing that morning, but they got up early and began frantically making masks and shields (knights' armor, maybe?) out of the cardstock-like scrap paper Dad brings home from the hospital. *Frantically creating* is a common pastime with these three...

*This* is the baby. My sincere apologies that her picture is upside-down. I will try to do better in the future (and maybe post a *rightside-up* one tomorrow to make up for this one.)

These are *the big kids*. They are quite a crew. I know we won't be able to get by with calling them *the big kids* much longer...Ammah Grace will soon be letting us know that *she* is one of *the big kids*, too. :-D

This is *the boy*....along with his clay creations, which are also currently found in my avatar. These were his *creations* from our first Mystery of History lesson. I'll be posting more pictures from that lesson soon...we *love* Mystery of History, and hope to share lots of MOH projects here!

And *the girls*...
Poor Peter. He is seriously outnumbered. Other than occasional lapses into *I really want a baby brother* depression, he handles it pretty well. He is very protective of them, and has adapted to all the pink girly stuff by turning Polly Pockets into parachuting snipers with machine guns strapped to them with pony-tail holders, and using hair ribbons to tie up everything in the house. More on the Harris sibling front to come in future posts...:)
Well, I've accomplished two things tonight: I've posted an avatar and I *think* I'm about to post my first post photos (I guess I should wait until it actually *posts* to consider it an accomplishment, hmm?) I think on that note, I'm going to sign off for the evening and call it a day.

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